Did you know that essential oils are an effective way to get rid of warts? Warts are not only embarrassing, they can be quite painful and they are contagious. This is why it’s important to take care of them and get rid of them as soon as possible. What are the best essential oils for warts? Do they really work? How to use them for best results?
In this post, you’ll learn about the most effective essential oils to treat warts, as well as other tips to get rid of warts naturally.
Enjoy this post about warts, and feel free to share your experience with others in the comment section below !
What are warts?
A wart is an overgrowth of cells that usually appears on the hands, feet, and near the nails. Warts are harmless growths but tend to be quite painful, especially plantar warts. Plantar warts are very common, especially among children.
There is also another kind of warts, the genital wart, which is a bit less common. They are sexually transmitted and even more contagious than plantar warts.
plantar warts
The most common type of warts include plantar, which are found on the feet, and what you might call “regular” warts. These can be treated using a variety of essential oils, some of which work better on plantar warts than others.
other warts
Warts found on the genitals, larynx or anal cavity, for instance, should not be handled using home remedies in most cases. I recommend that you seek medical attention for those as they often require specialized care.
How to treat warts?
All in all, you should inspect your warts beforehand to make sure that it is in fact a wart and not a swollen lymph node (if it is around the armpits or neck) or a blocked sweat gland. Warts are usually identifiable by the black spots that can be seen in the middle.
Always consult your doctor if you have any doubts.
When dealing with warts, I have learnt that the most important thing to take into consideration is the type of warts. Usually, the location of the warts in question will tell you whether they can be treated by home remedies or require special attention.
If you decide to use natural treatments, do not cut or burn your wart off yourself.
Most treatments for warts are over-the-counter medications. One of the most common methods for getting rid of warts is by using a treatment which freezes the wart. There are also salicylic-acid treatments that are effective. However, most warts can be removed with natural remedies. Studies have shown that some essential oils can effectively eliminate warts.
What are the best essential oils for warts?
Essential oils are very effective in the treatment of different types of warts. Basically what essential oils do is to stimulate the immune system and the skin surrounding the wart to take action against the HPV virus that causes warts to develop. What you will be looking for is an essential oil that will create the necessary stimulation and also act as an exfoliant in order for your body to rid itself of the virus entirely.
Here’s a list of essential oils that work very well for warts:
- Tea tree essential oil
- Clove essential oil
- Lemon essential oil
- Oregano essential oil
I’ll briefly talk about their benefits for warts and application methods.
1. Tea Tree essential oil
Tea tree is not an unexpected entry in this list of effective warts remedies and you may have already come across it in your quest for wart removal. With the numerous health benefits tea tree has to the body, I am rarely surprised to find it on nearly all the home remedy blogs I visit.
Scientifically known as Melaleuca oil, the healthful substance is derived from the leaves of the Myrtaceae tree, an evergreen tree from the myrthle family that is native to Australia. Benefits of tea tree range from its antiviral and antifungal properties to its anti-inflammatory characteristics. As such, it is a widely used ingredient in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry and is commonly found in skin lotions, toothpastes, various creams, soaps and medicines (source).
The natural component stands out in its ability to tackle numerous skin problems. People use tea tree oil for both plantar and “regular” warts and it works like a charm.
How to use tea tree essential oil for warts?
You can apply tea tree essential oil neat onto your plantar warts twice a day. This is recommended for the feet since the skin is characteristically thicker and thus a lot less sensitive.
However, for warts located around the body, I recommend that you use a diluted solution (about 50 % tea tree oil) to avoid irritating and causing redness and itchiness to the skin. Personally, I prefer Aloe Vera juice for its skin rejuvenating properties, but you can also use water or various (skin-friendly) herbal concoctions.
For your night time use of tea tree, switch to olive oil to dilute the essential oil. Applying tea tree oil at night facilitates quicker elimination of the wart causing viruses since it penetrates the skin deeper (source).
2. Clove essential Oil
Cloves are commonly known as a tasty spice for the kitchen, not as medicinal remedies for skin conditions. However, the active ingredient in clove oil, eugenol, is not only packed with vital minerals and vitamins, it also has numerous health benefits to the body.
Among its known properties include its antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Eugenol is also a numbing agent, to treat muscle spasms, to increase libido, in the treatment of scabies and as a remedy for intestinal worms (source).
How to use clove essential oil for warts?
Using clove oil is a little bit less intricate than using tea tree. You can simply massage the wart with undiluted clove oil (it does not irritate the skin) then covered it with a Band-Aid once a day. The process should be repeated daily until the wart eventually disappears.
3. Lemon essential oil
Another great essential oil I feel I should mention is lemon essential oil (source), which is also a strong antiviral.
How to use lemon essential oil for warts?
Apply lemon essential oil on your wart with a cotton bud twice a day. Avoid the surrounding skin.
4. Oregano essential oil
Another effective one is the “natural antibiotic” known as oregano oil (source). Be careful when using oregano oil as it can burn a bit, and cause irritation to the skin. The upside is that it can burn off the most stubborn of warts.
How to use oregano essential oil for warts?
Mix 1 teaspoon of oregano oil with 8 teaspoons of coconut oil. Apply it on your wart a few times a day. You should see a difference in the size of the wart after a week or so.
Caution: Essential oils should not be taken internally and extreme caution should be used with oils during pregnancy. Please consult a qualified aromatherapy practitioner before using essential oils.
Wart removal recipe with essential oils
You can try one of the essential oils mentioned above or you may also make your own mix of essential oils for best results! Here’s a great recipe from Dr. Axe, which will help you get rid of warts naturally.
Ingredients you’ll need for this natural wart remover:
- Frankincense essential oil (2 drops)
- Lemon essential oil (2 drops)
- Oregano essential oil (1 drop)
- Liquid coconut oil (½ teaspoon)
- Apple cider vinegar (½ teaspoon)
Mix well all the ingredients. Lightly soak the cotton ball in the mixture, then apply it to the area. Cover with a large bandage. Apply this remedy twice a day until the wart is completely removed.
We’re not done! Here are a few more remedies for warts…
Garlic can be applied for 24 hours with a bandage. It is an effective antibacterial remedy. When using external therapy, apply on the wart only to avoid burning the surrounding skin.
Manuka honey
Manuka honey is considered one of the most potent honey. It contains a high level of antibacterial and antiviral properties and it’s very effective for warts. I recommend that you read this post about the benefits of Manuka honey.
Cover your wart thoroughly with a thick layer of high quality Manuka honey. Place a bandage around it and allow it to remain for 24 hours. Change the bandage and reapply honey every day until the wart is gone.
Banana peel
Another popular home remedy for warts is the banana peel. Cover the area with the banana peel (using tape), placing the inner surface of the peel against the wart. Leave on overnight, and remove in the morning. Repeat the process until the wart disappears. You should see results within three weeks.
Duct tape
You can also apply duct tape over the wart (max 2 months) and change it regularly. Be careful of any allergic reactions.
Colloidal silver
Apply colloidal silver every day on your wart. Colloidal silver acts as a natural antibiotic.
Tissue salts
Have you ever tried tissue salts? Kali mur, Nat mur and Nat sulph are tissue salts that can be effective against warts.
Homeopathic remedies
If you want to try homeopathy, these homeopathic remedies may help: Antimonium crudum for plantar warts, Dulcamara for hand warts, Causticum for face warts, Nitric acid for warts that bleed easily and Thuja for soft warts. Please seek the advice of a homeopath for better results.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera gel is antibacterial and antiviral and can be an effective remedy for warts.
Eat foods rich in zinc to help heal the skin and boost your immune system. Increase foods rich in sulfur, such as asparagus, eggs, citrus fruit, garlic, and onions. Increase your intake of vitamin A, E and C to support healing and strengthen your immune system.
There are hundreds of essential oils with very powerful properties. They can help get rid of many different skin problems naturally, including warts.
Instead of spending a lot of money on different treatments to remove warts, essential oils may be the solution you’re looking for! There are natural options that are worth giving a try. With patience and persistence, you’ll get rid of your wart naturally.
Try tea tree, clove, lemon or oregano oil. You can also make your own mix of essential oils for warts. Always remember to use essential oils with caution. If any doubts, contact an aromatherapist.
Do you have a remedy for warts that you feel you should tell us about? What are your favorite essential oils for warts? You can tell us all about it in the comment section.