Burns have three degrees of severity. A first-degree burn, like a sunburn, affects the outer layer of the skin. A second-degree burn is characterized by redness, blisters, and possibility of infection. A third-degree burn usually appears white or black. The nerves and underlying tissues are severely damaged. Burned skin can have serious consequences. Please always seek the advice of a practitioner! Here are some natural remedies for minor burns.
How to treat a minor burn at home?
Here are some home remedies that can help relieve the pain and heal the skin:
- Aloe Vera gel helps relieve the pain.
- Calendula tincture is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.
- Colloidal silver applied topically can help prevent infection and speed healing.
- As long as the burn is not open, vitamin E, poultices of comfrey root, tea tree oil, wheat germ oil, St John’s Wort can be used.
- Apply fresh ginger juice on the affected area.
- Peeled raw potatoes is also a popular home remedies for burns.
- Vitamin C reduces pain.
- Marshmallow compresses can be used for mild burns.
Which foods to eat to speed up tissue repair?
- Eat a whole grain diet and increase your intake of proteins.
- Eat lots of mineral rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin A to heal the skin and those rich in electrolytes such as potassium.
- Drink plenty of fluids (water, herbal tea, green drinks) for tissue repair.
- Avoid pork especially if the burn is infected.
What are the best supplements for burns?
- Vitamin E heals burns and prevents scarring.
- Vitamin C fights infection.
- Vitamin A helps healing.
- Silica helps restore tissues.
- Vitamin B if there’s lots of stress following the burn.
- Potassium needed to replace potassium loss.
- Zinc speeds the healing process.
- Amino acid complex helps skin tissues to heal.
Which herbs to speed healing and fight the infection?
- Aloe Vera speeds healing.
- Green tea is a good antioxidant.
- Goldenseal and Echinacea help fight the infection.
- Horsetail and slippery elm are good for skin tissues.
What are the best homeopathic remedies to soothe burns?
- Cantharis can be used for soothing burns.
Any other remedies to treat minor burns?
- Apply cool water for 10 minutes to minimize damage.
- Raw potato slices are soothing.
- Honey (especially Manuka honey) disinfect wounds and help heal burns, thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Don’t remove blisters or put any oils on an open burn.
- A vinegar or baking soda bath is soothing. Add a few cups to water bath.
- Drink plenty of water with added salt or add electrolytes to prevent dehydration.
3 Amazing Herbs for Burns: Calendula, Comfrey and Tea Tree
These remedies are only for minor and first-degree burns. You should see your doctor if your burn is large or if it becomes infected, swollen, or extremely painful. Burns on certain sensitive areas may require a visit to the doctor, even if they are superficial. For serious burns, you must see a doctor for medical treatment. Third-degree burns require immediate professional treatment.