Read this before you start this recipe »
- Always educate yourself about properties and contraindications of essential oils you are going to use.
- Be sure you are not allergic to any ingredient before applying it on your body. First apply a dab on your wrist for example, and wait 24 hours to see if any irritation occurs.
- Make sure you buy the pure base ingredients and choose ingredients that have the most beneficial nutrients.
- Always dilute an essential oil in a base oil unless you are sure it is safe to use it neat.
- If you can afford, spend a little more on high quality and organic oils. This will insure no unnecessary chemicals are applied to your skin.
This is a fun easy bath bomb recipe that makes great bath fizzies. They spin, fizz, and add a nice scent to your bath. Great homemade gift too!
- Preparation: 10 minutes
- 3 small bath bombs
The ingredients you need to make this bath bombs recipe
- Baking Soda – 100 gr
- Maizena – 50 gr
- Citric Acid – 50 gr
- Your choice of oil (Sesame, almond, avocado, cocoa butter, shea butter, …) – 1 table spoon
- Your choice of essential oil – 15 to 20 drops
- Witch Hazel in a spray bottle – About 30 sprays
- Shaped molds
- Optional : powder milk or sugar. Some people confirmed adding powder milk or sugar makes the bath bombs recipe better because the bombs are more solid.
- Optional : dried flowers or colorant.
How to make this bath bombs recipe?
- In a bowl, blend baking soda, maizena and citric acid until there are no lumps left.
- Add the oil and essential oils. Blend well until all oil is evenly distributed.
- Then, this is the most difficult part : lightly spritz the witch hazel onto the batch, while stirring with the other hand. The best is to add 2 sprays at a time until the powder gets slightly wet. You can stop when your batch sticks together when squished (like sand castles).
If the mix is too wet, the balls are going to « grow » and if they are too dry, the bombs will be too grainy. - Fill the moulds with the mixture, packing it in firmly several times. Let them air dry for at least 24 hours. Tap them out and store in a dry place.