In this interview, Dr. Cyril Meyre is explaining how homeopathic remedies can help heal skin issues!
How does homeopathy work in helping with chronic skin conditions?
Homeopathy is going to help to improve a better functioning of the kidneys and resolve skin problems. For skin problems, you have to work on the kidneys, as well as the liver, and the bowels.
For example, if you have constipation, you have to improve it to have healthier skin. If you have kidney issues or if you don’t drink enough water, all the toxins will go out through the skin. Working on the liver will also help, because the liver is the organ where all the toxins are going through. You have to work on the liver for a better detox of the body.
For example, Homeotox (general body detox developed by Herbasante) is going to work on the emunctories, which are the kidneys, the liver, the bowels, the skin, and the lungs. By working on these emunctories, you will improve your skin issue. You can also work on the lymphatic system with Lympatox. The lymphatic system is where all the toxins will be stocked. You will then improve your skin and your immune system.
How do you explain that such a minimum amount of plant can heal skin sufferers?
With homeopathic remedies, you don’t need a large amount. You just need a trace of the product. Homeopathic remedies act as a messenger, which works on a specific disease. For instance, if you choose sulphur 4CH for skin problems, it will only send a message on what is lacking in the body and will just give a small go to make it work better.
Does phytotherapy and homeopathy work together or one should try one remedy at a time?
It depends on the case, but you can always mix phytotherapy and homeopathic remedies. You can mix different remedies to get better results. Usually, you still get good results with homeopathy only. When you have acute eczema, hives, or psoriasis, you can also use a homeopathic cream to calm down the symptoms.
What would you suggest to a person who have had eczema since her childhood and for whom cortisone cream doesn’t work anymore?
To replace the cortisone cream, you have Execalm cream. It is a paraben-free cream mixed with homeopathic products. We also include in that product Dead Sea salts. If you have had eczema for years, you also have to treat the allergy.
What kind of protocol could be followed for someone who suffers from a skin condition?
You can use Dermaplex, which is a product that is going to work on acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It contains all the basic remedies to clean the blood, nourish and repair the skin. When you are using those products, you can start with a program. Start the first 4 weeks with a general detox, like Homeotox or Lympatox, then you can include some more specific remedies for the skin.
Even for severe skin conditions, you can still combine homeopathic remedies. There are no side effects and no contraindications with pharmaceutical products.
As a conclusion, can you tell me three reasons why people should give a chance to homeopathic remedies to treat their skin condition?
You can give homeopathic remedies to everyone: newborns, a child or a 75 years old person. There are no side effects and you will get some results.
I don’t say you will get 100% result, but at least 20% benefit up to 80% benefit, depending the case and what is behind your skin condition. Sometimes, you can have results in the same day with Execalm, for example. For another person, it would take 2 weeks. It depends how bad the situation is on your skin, how long you had it, and what kind of remedies you are using.
The important thing with homeopathic remedies is to take homeopathy in the proper way and to repeat the dosage 3 to 4 times a day. If you don’t do this every day, the results will be lower. So you have to be very strict and very constant when taking homeopathic remedies to get good results.