Many skin conditions are triggered by stress which can come from lots of different situations : from the death of a close family member, a divorce, too much pressure at work, relationships, time management, and even happy events such as marriage or pregnancy. It is nearly impossible to avoid stress. Stressful situations occur everywhere: any time and in different intensities, and some people are better at dealing with it than others! However, it is possible to deal with stress and control it with a little bit of mental discipline.
What’s the link between psychological stress and skin disorders?
Flare-ups may occur in anticipation of a stressful event, but also during the event or afterwards because your mind and your skin are linked together. The skin and central nervous system share similar hormones and chemical messengers. This is why there is a connection between psychological stress and skin disorders.
When you are stressed, your adrenal glands release adrenaline and corticosteroids. These hormones take your energy away and mobilize your body’s resources for immediate physical activity so you can either fight or flee from the danger. As a result, your digestive system slows down, your blood sugar level increases, and your body secretes cortisol and other corticosteroids. If you reach a point of stress exhaustion, certain organs may stop working efficiently and start depleting your body of vitamins and minerals needed for good skin health. This can lead to inflammation and trigger symptoms of chronic skin conditions, such as psoriasis, acne, eczema, urticaria and other skin disorders.
How to calm your mind?
Reducing the amount of stress includes doing some activities that allow the mind and the body to relax. Mental calming, exercise, healthy diet, and adrenal gland support can help you deal with stress. Think of complementary therapies such as acupuncture, meditation, yoga, Tai-chi.
Yoga, meditation and Tai-chi are good disciplines to help deal with stress since they are based on an awareness of the breath. Did you notice that every time you are stressed you don’t breathe properly? Maintain a good posture and breathe deeply for 20 minutes to relieve tension.
A good technique is to breathe in and out to a count of four and let your mind see tension and stress leave your body. Many things can help calm down: exercise, massage, or even listening to relaxing music. Healing baths can relieve stress, especially when you add a combination of essential oils, such as clary sage or lavender.
Can meditation ward off stress and skin disease? (Optiderma.com)
How to take care of your emotional well-being?
Healthy mind, healthy skin! Emotional well-being is closely linked to physical health. You are the only one who knows what’s best for yourself to feel good.
However basic principles like providing your body with nutrients, sun, fresh air, exercise, will definitely help. Some physical problems like skin disorders have their roots in emotional imbalances or even just emotional reactions to stress. Try to work on it by yourself or with the help of a psychologist.
If you want to work on it by yourself, the first step is to develop a positive attitude towards the world and yourself. Accept yourself the way you are now and try to have daily positive thoughts. You can’t control the things that happen in your life, but you can control how you see and respond to your life challenges.
Appreciate the basic pleasures of life, don’t take things personally, and set positive goals, while using the power of laughter! This might seem difficult to achieve, but your daily thoughts and emotions have a great effect on your skin health. It is worth trying to change the way you think when your attitude has such an impact on your health.
How to use visualization techniques to heal your skin? (Optiderma.com)
via selfhealgo.com