Emotional stress can cause an upset stomach and prevent the digestive system to do what it’s supposed to do. How? Well have you ever suffered from a bout of diarrhea after a case of the jitters? Or ate something too fast without your full attention on the food? Did you notice any digestive upset as a result?
When your digestive system is poorly functioning and there is gas, bloating, and indigestion, it may make you wonder what is really happening inside of you. When food is not properly assimilated, it ferments in your system, causing symptoms like gas, halitosis, and discomfort.
Toxic build-up
When one of our eliminatory organs is blocked with all of these fermenting toxins, we need to make sure we have enzymes to break it down first of all, and fiber to help move it out.
When this fermenting happens often and there is not outlet for the toxic build-up, this could be a problem. The reason is because when the toxins cannot properly get out one way, they will find another route. This other route may be through the skin.
Skin: organ of elimination
The skin is the largest organ of the body, making it an important one for elimination.
Do you see the connection? A poorly functioning digestive system means there is a greater chance of your skin breaking out. This means that having the occasional breakout is not completely negative.
It has its good points as well. It is a good sign that your body is trying to detoxify itself and if it is through the skin, it may indicate that your skin is doing its job as an eliminatory organ.
A poor digestive system and flawless looking skin may mean that the pores of the skin are clogged and is in poor shape as an eliminatory organ. Once there is one organ of elimination that is blocked, the toxins will just move to the next available organ it can find a way out through.
Other areas it may choose to include are the lungs, the kidneys and the liver. If you want to maintain great looking skin, it’s important to keep all your other organs in check, and as I mentioned before, to keep your emotional stress to a minimum.
Tips for mental, emotional and physical health
Here are some tips on how to maintain a balance between the mental, emotional and physical health:
- Take some time for yourself. Sit and relax somewhere. Feel the emotions that come up and feel free to express them. Then let them go.
- Try some emotional nourishment such as flower essences, a nature walk, or doing something creative like keeping a journal, drawing, or just use your imagination.
- When sitting down to a meal, be present with the food you are eating. Stay focused and concentrate on the actual taste of every morsel you put in your mouth. Chew slowly and thoroughly. Eating in a relaxed atmosphere will help your digestion and give you a chance to really appreciate your food, not just gulp it down.
- Detoxify your body with an occasional cleanse, and/or include detoxifying foods in your daily regime. An example would be to start your day off with a tall glass of lukewarm water with freshly squeezed lemon, everyday. You could also take a daily green foods supplement everyday to alkalinize your body and detoxify it.
- Dry skin brush before getting into the shower. Always work from your extremities and move towards the heart. This ensures that the dead skin cells are sloughed off; circulation is improved, and the lymphatic system benefited.
- Try a lymphatic system cleanse or homeopathic whole body detox/drainage kit. A homeopathic cleanse works to provide emotional support too.
- Be kind to your skin. Use simple, all-natural ingredients on the skin. Try using natural oils like sweet almond or jojoba oil directly on the skin as a moisturizer. Remember that what you put on your skin will be absorbed by it.
- Take good quality essential fatty acids like fish oil, evening primrose oil, and borage seed oil to keep your skin protected from the environment.
- Maintain regular exercise for good circulation and drink lots of water to keep the body and skin well hydrated. Eat a healthy and well balanced diet full of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and good quality meats.
- See a homeopathic practitioner to find a suitable remedy that fits your case description in order to maintain good health and keep you emotionally balanced.
- Read a good book and/or spend time with someone who inspires you, makes you laugh, or is just great company.
- Breath, relax and let go of any tension you feel. Surrender to the moment.
“Radiance is a reflection of the beauty within.”
“A poorly functioning digestive system means there is a greater chance of your skin breaking out.”
How Does Stress Affect your Skin?
source: summertomato.com