Most people only get a small itchy red bump as a result of a mosquito bite. But some people may experience more severe reactions after being bitten by mosquitoes. One of these reactions is called the “Skeeter Syndrome”. What are the symptoms? What to do when a serious reaction occurs? In this post, we’ll also discuss the natural remedies that can ease the symptoms of skeeter syndrome, such as: Tea Tree essential oil, Lavender essential oil, Emu Oil or Calendula
What is Skeeter Syndrome and what are the symptoms?
Skeeter Syndrome is the result of an allergic reaction to mosquito bite. It is an immune reaction to allergenic polypeptides in the mosquito saliva.
Symptoms of Skeeter Syndrome typically include:
- Blistering rashes
- Bruises
- Red, itchy, painful swelling
- Fever (in some cases)

image source: skeetersyndrome.blogspot.ca
There’s another reaction to insect bites that is similar to skeeter syndrome. It’s called “papular urticaria“. It’s more common in children than in adults.
If your child develop very itchy red bumps with fluid-filled blisters, consult your doctor to get proper diagnosis and treatment.
Can Skeeter Syndrome affect anybody?
Skeeter syndrome can affect people of all ages. But most cases of Skeeter Syndrome usually happen to children, toddlers and seniors because of lower level of immunity.
How is the Skeeter Syndrome diagnosed?
There is no simple blood test to diagnose a mosquito allergy. Skeeter Syndrome is diagnosed by symptoms like large red areas of swelling and by history of mosquito exposure.
That being said, individuals who have no prior history of an adverse reaction to mosquito bites have been known to develop Skeeter syndrome symptoms suddenly. The reason for developing the allergy isn’t known. It may be linked to an autoimmune reaction to the enzymes contained in the saliva of certain species of mosquitoes.
How long does skeeter syndrome last?
It’s difficult to say exactly how long the reaction will last as it depends on several factors. The swelling should stop after a few days. Read this article: How Long Do Mosquito Bites Itch?
If the blisters last more than a week, you should consult a doctor especially if there are signs of infection. Blister healing time varies depending on factors explained in this article.
What to do when a severe reaction occurs?
Individuals who suffer from skeeter syndrome may experience a very extreme reaction. Be aware that the allergic reaction isn’t always instant, and can develop up to 48hrs after the original bite.
In rare situations, some people may experience anaphylaxis after being bitten by insects like mosquitoes. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death. It typically causes a number of symptoms including an itchy rash, throat swelling, and low blood pressure.
In case of anaphylaxis, seek emergency medical attention immediately. Anaphylaxis is a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic response. In severe cases, a person will go into shock. If anaphylactic shock isn’t treated immediately, it can be fatal.
Avoid scratching as infections can happen due to excessive scratching. Not scratching won’t help prevent a reaction, but it will stop the bite from growing to an unmanageable size and become infected. For children, cover the bite with bandaid to keep them from scratching.
Always consult your doctor in case of blisters, difficulty in breathing, large area of swelling or risk of infection.
How to ease the symptoms of Skeeter Syndrome?
Tea tree essential oil
Tea Tree oil can help soothe the symptoms of skeeter syndrome. This essential oil is effective against itching and swelling associated with the bite allergy. It’s actually one of the best natural remedies to stop itching.
Tea tree oil may be applied several times a day directly to the bite until the bite is completely healed.
Be cautious when using essential oils. Because essential oils are highly concentrated substances, a working knowledge of how to use them safely is vital. The potential hazards of an essential oil depend on the compounds in the oil, the dosage and frequency used, and the method of application. Tea tree oil is usually safe for most people when put on the skin, but it can still cause skin irritation in some cases. Avoid topical use on children under 2.
Lavender essential oil
Lavender essential oil is another effective essential oil for severe mosquito bites. It helps relieve the pain and itch of a mosquito bite. Check this testimonial from a woman, whose son is extremely sensitive to mosquito bites. Lavender essential oil is what works best for him.
How to make a clay paste with lavender essential oil to treat mosquito bites?
Here’s a great DIY recipe. All you need is:
- Bentonite clay
(1 tablespoon)
- Frankincense essential oil
(2 drops)
- Lavender essential oil
(2 drops)
- Fractionated coconut oil
It’s easy to make, and it can bring great relief if you suffer from skeeter syndrome.
Lavender Essential Oil Takes The Itch Out Of Mosquito Bites
Emu oil
Pure emu oil can relieve the itch and reduce the swelling. It also enhances the healing process and reduces scarring. Some people seem to have very good results with a soothing balm containing emu oil. It is called On The Go Stick.
Have you heard of the benefits of calendula for insect bites? If you haven’t, I recommend that you read this post.
Applying a calendula ointment on the bite can really help. Calendula is often used in the treatment of mosquito bites and other insect bites. Calendula has soothing, moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.
Natural remedies, such as tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil, emu oil and calendula are great remedies to have at home in case of skeeter syndrome. Here are other home remedies to relieve itching.
There is also an old Chinese remedy for mosquito bites which is rubbing the bites with the inside of a banana peel. But I doubt it’s very helpful in case of severe mosquito bites!
Because prevention is key, you should also look into the best ways to repel mosquitos.
- Plant Therapy has a kid safe repellent called KidSafe Shield Me (formerly Ban the Bugs)
- Neem oil is also very effective against mosquitoes.
- You can also read this article about the best mosquito repellents.
If you have any remedies to recommend for skeeter syndrome, feel free to leave a comment below!
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