A research has revealed that one of the top worries for new parents is the state of their baby’s skin! Babies are often more vulnerable to skin complaints because their skin hasn’t fully formed and is easy to dry out. There are two very common skin rashes among others: heat rashes and eczema. They can cause little red spots or bumps on your baby’s skin. However any sudden development of a rash should be looked at by a doctor because it could also be a serious reaction to something. If your baby develops some signs of infection, such as fever, pain, swelling, redness, pus, or lymph nodes, consult your doctor right away. If your baby has a heat rash or eczema, here is what you can do.
Red spots on your baby’s skin: is it a heat rash?
Heat rash appears as reddish spots on your baby’s skin (usually on the back or neck). They generally look like small, raised, red bumps (kind of like pimples), and rarely bother the baby because they are not itchy. The fact that it does not itch differentiates it from a rash caused by an infection.
Heat rash is very common in babies during hot and humid weather. It happens when sweat accumulates in some skin areas. The skin’s sweat glands get blocked and can’t release sweat normally. It is often a result of overdressing and this type of skin rash usually disappears on its own. It generally takes 3 to 4 days to clear.
What to do when a heat rash appears on your baby’s skin?
Move the baby to a cooler environment or give the baby a cool bath. To prevent heat rash in hot weather, don’t overdress your baby. Dress your baby in cool, lightweight clothing (no synthetic materials). Cotton clothing is best in summer because it wicks moisture away from the skin. In cold weather, dress your baby in layers so that you can remove items if the temperature rises.
Don’t apply any ointments to the red spots. They may make the heat rash worse by blocking the sweat glands even more…
Skin rashes in babies (Optiderma.com)
Little red bumps on your baby’s skin: is it eczema?
Eczema is a chronic itchy rash that may be dry, red, thickened, and scaly. It usually looks like tiny red bumps that may ooze or crust. It generally appears in the creases of the elbows and knees and on the cheeks, chin, scalp, chest, and back. If you think your child has eczema, consult your doctor.
Atopic eczema is thought to affect one in eight children. It is most common in families with history of allergies or asthma. Eczema in babies often starts between the ages of two and four months.
What to do if your baby has eczema?
First of all, it is recommended to get an allergy test to find out food triggers (one of the major causes of eczema). Keep in mind that food consumed by the breastfeeding mother can affect the baby via breastmilk.
According to Naturopath Natasha Berman-Carter, probiotics are helpful in treating eczema in babies.
Studies suggest that babies at high risk for allergic disorders such as eczema have different types and numbers of bacteria in their digestive tracts than other babies, and that probiotic supplements taken by pregnant women and children may reduce the occurrence eczema in children.
Take extra care of your baby’s skin particularly when choosing baby products, clothes, at bath times and when out in the sun.
Use products on your child’s skin that are organic and contain no harsh detergents, no petrochemicals, no artificial fragrances and no parabens.
Managing eczema in children with natural remedies (Optiderma.com)