In one way or another we have all had blisters. They are painful, fluid-filled sacs that appear on the skin. You can either get a blister from wearing new shoes, especially those with straps, working outdoors without gloves, from a burn or an insect bite. Other blisters are as a result of diseases and illnesses.
How long does it take for a blister to heal and what is the best way to speed up the healing process? In this post we’ll learn how to use natural remedies to treat blisters – such as: Aloe Vera orApple Cider Vinegar. You’ll also discover the foods that are good for healing.
How long does it take for a blister to heal?
Blister healing time depends on many factors. In most cases, they will disappear on their own, but it may take longer than expected.
Time for healing a blister is variable. The smaller the blister, the quicker it will heal. If your blister is large, it will take more time to heal.
How fast and how well blisters heal also depends on the type of blisters:
They can also be caused by contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, shingles, frostbite, poison ivy, or some autoimmune blistering diseases.
What’s the average healing time for a friction blister?
Friction blisters usually heal up quickly within a week without scarring. But if there is continued pressure or friction on your blister, it may take more than two weeks for the blister to heal.
How long does it take for a fever blister to heal?
Fever blisters (also called cold sores) usually crust within 4 days. It usually takes between 8 to 10 days for a fever blister to heal.
How Long Does a Herpes Outbreak Last?
How long for an insect bite blister to heal?
Once again, it depends on the severity of the bite. If you suffer from “skeeter syndrome” and have a severe reaction to mosquito bites, the blisters may take days or even weeks to heal.
Do sunburn blisters heal faster?
Blisters from a sunburn should only take a few days to heal, but it depends on the severity of your sunburn. The blisters don’t always show up right away. They may take a few days or longer to develop. Don’t forget to protect your skin from sun while it’s healing from the burn. Here you’ll find tips for sunburned lips.
How long for poison ivy to heal?
Rashes caused by poison ivy usually last from five to 12 days. In severe cases, the rash and blisters can last for more than a month.
What about autoimmune blistering diseases?
Autoimmune blistering diseases are a group of disorders in which the body mistakenly attacks healthy tissue, causing blistering lesions. These types of blisters obviously take longer to heal.
Factors that can slow down the healing process
Healing can be delayed for several reasons:
If the blister breaks open, the risk of infection increases and you may develop a deeper wound.
In most cases a blister heals faster if you don’t pop it. Blisters protect the skin underneath as it heals. If they get peeled off, the skin can get infected more easily.
If a blister needs to be popped for whatever reason, then the fluid should be drained using a sterilized needle to lower the risk of infection.
Read this article that explains why blisters are not supposed to be popped
The location of the blister
Areas that move or are more sensitive require more time to heal.
Studies show that bad nutrition can slow down healing. Check this post to learn about foods and supplements that promote healing.
Diabetes and impaired immunity diseases
People with diabetes often have nerve or circulation problems that cause wounds to heal more slowly.
Infection is also more common in diabetics and immune impaired individuals. If your immune system is weak, the risk of infection increases.
Here are the drugs that can slow wound healing:
- corticosteroids
- cytotoxic antineoplastic and immunosuppressive agents,
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- anticoagulants
Smoking and alcohol
Studies show there’s a delay in wound healing in smokers. Drinking alcohol can also impair wound healing and increase the risk of infection.
How Long Does it Take for Cuts & Wounds to Heal?
Which remedies help Decrease blister heal time?
There are some natural ways to help heal blisters faster. Here are a few ideas to speed up healing:
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a natural anti-inflammatory. It helps to relieve swelling and redness and keeps the skin hydrated and moist. It helps in faster healing especially when the blister pops and shrivels up (source).
- Simply take an aloe vera spine and cut it open.
- Apply the clear gel directly to the blister.
- Leave the blister uncovered for 15-30 minutes until the gel is completely absorbed and then rinse with warm water.
- Apply 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days
Another way to use aloe vera is by mixing natural aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil in equal amounts.
Ideally buy organic pure aloe vera gel. Amara is a great brand. You can buy it online here.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has antibacterial properties and inflammatory properties as well. It can be used to prevent infection when the blister pops (source).
If you have a fever blister, you may be interested in reading this post: Apple Cider Vinegar for Herpes
How to use apple cider vinegar for a blister?
- Use a cotton wool and dip it in the vinegar.
- Apply it close to the affected area three to four times in a day for about three days.
- For best results, apply it as soon as the blister appears. Note that it is likely to sting, especially of the blister has popped. This can be prevented by diluting with water.
You can also mix a teaspoon of apple and cider vinegar with the same amount of onion paste.
- Apply the solution on the blister and then leave it to dry. Rinse off the area using warm water.
- Apply two times a day for a few days.
Choose a high quality and organic ACV brand, such as Bragg.
Green tea
Green tea is useful due to its anti-inflammatory compounds which work well in reducing pain and swelling that comes with blisters. It also has a couple of vitamins and antioxidants that act as catalysts to heal the blister.
- Place 1 green tea bag in hot water for 5 minutes.
- Remove the teabag and leave it to cool for some seconds then place the moist teabag on the affected area some few minutes.
- Do this for 4 to 5 times every day for a few days.
- You can also take a cup of green tea 2 to 3 times in a day to quicken the healing process.
Epsom salt
This one of the safest ways to heal blisters. It works by helping to dry out a blister that is not popped and encourages it to drain. The salt has high content of magnesium, which helps to reduce swelling and pain as well as infection.
- Use 1 to 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt.
- Put it in some small amount of warm water and stir well.
- Soak the affected area in the water for 15 minutes.
- Remove the affected area from the solution and dry it gently.
- Apply vitamin E.
- Do this once a day every day.
Note: when the blister pops, the Epsom salt can sting, and it is therefore advisable to stop using it.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has astringent properties and also antibacterial properties. It treats and reduces the infection of blisters.
- Dilute one part of tea tree oil using either three parts of plain water or any vegetable oil. Take a cotton ball and dip it into the mixture and then apply it to the affected area.
- Allow it to settle for 10 minutes and then rinse using cold water.
- Use the remedy for 2 to 3 days for some few days.
White toothpaste for friction blisters
This can be used to dry out a blister quickly. It is useful as it contains hydrogen peroxide, menthol, baking soda, and alcohol. It also gives quick relief from itchiness (source).
- Put a small amount of toothpaste on a clean finger. Do not use colored toothpaste or whitening gel.
- Smear it on the area with the blister and leave it to rest for about 2 hours.
- Do this 1 to 2 times daily until the blister is gone.
Should you cover your blister with a bandage?
If your blister pops, protect your blister with a bandage to prevent infection. Studies show that a covered wound heals faster than an uncovered wound.
It’s also recommended to apply an antimicrobial ointment and a bandage to create a protective layer to keep the air out and speed up the growth of new skin cells.
Eating the right diet for faster healing
Your body is built to heal from the inside out. So eating nutritious foods are important in the healing process.
Follow a diet rich in Vitamin C, A and bioflavonoids to promote healing and fight infection. This means that you should eat fresh, raw vegetables and fruits. They provide enzymes to boost your immune system. Dark green and orange vegetables contain beta-carotenes, which are important to speed up healing.
Protein is one of the most important nutrient factors affecting wound healing. Opt for fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, legumes, and grains rich in proteins, such as quinoa.
Now, which foods should you avoid? Limit sugar and processed foods, since they slow down tissue regeneration.
Also follow these nutrition guidelines to promote healing.
Blisters can be very painful, but knowing how to treat them and preventing them you can easily get rid of them. The remedies above are just some of the few ways to treat blisters.
If you’re interested in discovering other remedies that can be used, read this post: How to Heal Blisters Fast?
It’s difficult to predict how long it will take for a blister to heal as it depends on many factors. Blister healing can be complex, and there can be many causes why it does not happen properly. Always consult your doctor for severe or non-healing blisters. Slow-to-heal blisters may need extra care from your doctor.
In addition, here’s an interesting video that explains what to do when you have a blister:
How long did it take for your blister to heal? Do you have any remedies to recommend? Feel free to share your experience with others who need help.