Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats illness by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanism. It uses minute amounts of plant, mineral or animal substances and do not contain any synthetic materials. Because it is a very safe natural medicine when used correctly, homeopathic treatments can be used by all ages. Some people use homeopathic treatments for skin diseases, such as psoriasis, acne, eczema, cold sores, and other skin disorders. Does homeopathy work for skin problems? Homeopathic practitioners tend to regard skin conditions as a manifestation of what is going on within your body and can help you find the underlying causes of your skin problem. In this page, we provide you with a list of homeopathic treatments for skin disorders. However, choosing the appropriate treatment often requires the help of a homeopathic physician to match the symptoms with the correct remedy. Each person is unique and the remedies should be chosen according to the character of the symptoms: mental, emotional and physical.
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathic medicine was founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician, chemist and linguist. He discovered that quinine bark, a conventional medicine for malaria, produced the same malarial fevers it could cure when it was taken by someone who was well. He experimented with other plants and found that a substance which has the power to cause certain symptoms in a healthy person, will, in a minute dose, cure a sick person of those same symptoms.
It is the principle of “like remedies cure like diseases”. For example, it is believed that onions, which produce streaming, itchy eyes, can be used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever.
How are remedies prepared and does it actually work?
Each remedy is prepared according to defined pharmaceutical principles. Plant and animal ingredients are first assimilated into an alcohol tincture.
Because many of the ingredients of homeopathic cures are poisonous if taken in large enough quantities, the substances are then diluted in water or alcohol. Only the very smallest quantities of those substances are required to trigger the self-healing process.
Homeopathic solutions are diluted so many times that they actually do not contain any of the original ingredients at all when they reach a certain potency (24x or 12CH). Even if homeopathy is accepted as an effective form of medicine in many countries today, some scientists are still skeptical and believe that the beneficial effects of homeopathy are due to the placebo effect.
If so, why has homeopathy had beneficial results on babies or animals who do not know that they are taking a medicine? According to homeopaths, the dilutions remove the toxic effects of the remedy while the energy of the substance is retained.
Can homeopathy treat skin conditions? (Optiderma.com)
How can I choose the right homeopathic remedy?
The foundation of homeopathy is that illness occurs when imbalance exists. This is why it treats the symptoms of the body and mind as a totality, not just the disease or injury. Remedies are chosen according to the character of the symptoms: mental, emotional and physical. This protocol recognizes that each person is unique and has its own symptoms.
Choosing the appropriate treatment often requires the help of a homeopathic physician to match the symptoms with the correct remedy. Homeopathic practitioners tend to regard skin conditions as a manifestation of what is going on within your body and can help you find the underlying causes of your skin problems.
6 CH, 30 CH… how do I choose the right potency?
Homeopathic remedies come in different potencies and, paradoxically, they actually increase in potency with each round of dilution and potentiation! That means that a more diluted 30c strength is stronger and deeper-acting than a 6c potency. A 6C dose requires more frequent repetition than a 30C dose.
They also come in pill (a sugar base), liquid form, gel, and cream. The liquid are normally bottled in alcohol to preserve the medicine, but distilled water is also available. Both forms are effective.
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What are the best homeopathic treatments for skin diseases?
For any long-standing or recurring skin problems, please consult a health care practitioner that uses homeopathy in order to determine an appropriate remedy that will rebalance your entire system.
Here is a list of the best homeopathic treatments for skin diseases or skin issues. The information provided here below comes from The homeopathy bible (Ambika Wauters, 2007):
Anacardium occ
Antimonium crud.
- Warts or corns
- Nails that split frequently
Antimonium tart.
- Acne, impetigo, warts
- Chickenpox
- Scars
- Eczema
- Cracked nipples
Arsenicum album
- Eczema that is dry and burning
- Rosacea when the face is red, dry and burning hot
- Boils
Calc. carb.
- Eczema
Calc. phos.
- Rosacea mainly on nose and accompanied by pimples
- Eczema, hives, warts, and ringworm
- Irritated, cracked, infected skin
- Eczema, psoriasis, painful scars, cold sores, genital herpes
- Varicose veins with a sore, bruised feeling
- Haemorrhoids
Hepar sulf.
- Chapped skin or infected boils
- Mild acne where eruptions are slow to heal and prone to infections
Kali. bich.
- Ulcers, acne, other skin issues accompanied by burning pain
- Cuts and wounds
Merc. sol.
- Oral and genital thrush
- Bleeding or infected gums
Nat. mur.
- Greasy skin and hair
- Boils, warts, dandruff, psoriasis, hives, facial herpes, cracked lips, bleeding gums, cold sore
Nitric ac.
- Warts, haemorrhoids, anal fissures, and mouth ulcers
- Psoriasis with lesions with a purple coloration
- Varicose veins
- Mild acne associated with hormonal imbalance
Rhus tox.
- Blisters, chickenpox, shingles, herpes, and diaper rash
- Painful skin conditions
- Itchy or discoloured skin
- Wounds
- Removes foreign bodies from the skin
- Acne, itchy scars, brittle nails, skin issues due to poor absorption of minerals
- Skin conditions that are affected by irritability of the nervous system, such as psoriasis
- Long use in chinese and western medicine for skin problems
- Eczema (red and itchy), psoriasis, diaper rash, acne, cradle cap, ringworm and scabies
- Warts
- Itchy, scaly skin, brown ‘age spots’, deformed nails
Urtica urens
- Blisters, burns, allergic rashes caused by insects, eating shellfish or contact with certain plants
Notes :
- Allow the remedy to dissolve under the tongue.
- Don’t drink or eat anything 15 minutes before and after taking the remedy. Some substances like coffee, drugs or mint interfere with homeopathic remedies.
- Keep remedies away from extreme heat or cold, electric devices or strong-smelling substances.
- As a general rule, if symptoms remain or even worsen, stop taking the remedy. Once the remedy works, stop taking it.
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